Author: Orlando E

PV, EV and Your Home: How Transportation and Grid Infrastructures Work Together

Friday, October 9 • 2:30 PM – UTEB, Rm. 175

Joint ME & CBE Seminar

PV, EV and Your Home: How Transportation and Grid Infrastructures Work Together

Dr. James Fenton

Director of Solar Energy Center University of Central Florida

Abstract: There are over 20 models of electric vehicles (EV) (350,000 vehicles on the road) that are so efficient that they cost the gasoline equivalent of $0.99 a gallon to operate, based on the national residential electricity average of 11.88¢/kWh. The levelized cost for residential “rooftop” photovoltaics (PV) in much of the U.S. is the same as the cost of electricity “out of the wall.” PV electricity is at cost parity with grid energy, and gasoline parity is a long distance in the rearview mirror. As prices for solar and EVs continue to decrease, consumer adoption rates for both technologies will increase dramatically, resulting in an integration of solar energy and electric transportation infrastructure. Will we get out in front and surf the wave created by the solar and EV tsunami or will we drown? This presentation will introduce the concepts that allow the transportation and grid infrastructures to work together, so that PV, EVs and energy efficient buildings can significantly decrease our dependency on fossil fuels, mitigate climate change, provide mobile backup power, and increase energy and transportation security. The seminar is largely based on articles that examine EVs, energy efficient homes, photovoltaics, the smart grid and EV charging; published in the Spring 2015 Interface magazine “PV, EV and Your Home” of the Electrochemical Society.

Biographical Sketch: Professor James M. Fenton is the Director of the University of Central Florida’s Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC), where he leads a staff of 100 in the research and development of energy technologies that enhance Florida’s and the nation’s economy and environment and educate the public, students and practitioners on the results of the research. FSEC leads national programs funded by the U.S. Departments’ of Energy and Transportation in: “Building America” energy efficient homes, Photovoltaic Manufacturing, Hot-Humid PV testing of large-scale PV to show bankability, train-thetrainers education for solar installations, programs to decease the soft-costs of PV installation, Electric Vehicle Transportation (U.S. DOT’s only EV Transportation Center) and “Clean Cities” (alternative fuel transportation). Florida Utilities have funded FSEC’s SunSmart program which has placed 10 kW of PV with battery back-up at more than 100 schools to provide power to emergency shelters and education demonstrations for students. Prior to joining FSEC, Dr. Fenton spent 20 years as a Chemical Engineering Professor at the University of Connecticut. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Illinois in 1984 and his BS from UCLA in 1979. He is an Electrochemical Society Fellow and received the Research Award of the Electrochemical Society’s Energy Technology Division in May 2014 for his work on Automobile Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. He is the author of over 200 publications.

For additional information, please contact Prof. Xinyu Zhao at (860) 486-0241, or Laurie Hockla at (860) 486-2189,

Thermofluidic and interfacial dynamics of spark-ignited metallic droplets

Friday, October 2 • 2:30 PM – UTEB, Rm. 175

Thermofluidic and interfacial dynamics of spark-ignited metallic droplets

Dr. Sukalyan Bhattacharya

Texas Tech University

Abstract: In the first part of this talk, an intriguing experimental observation is discussed where highspeed imaging captures thermofluidic dynamics of spark-ignited nano Aluminum powder. The phenomenon consists of initial detachment, subsequent pulsation, occasional fragmentation and eventual explosion of molten metallic masses separated from the original bulk resting on a copper plate. We provide a phenomenological description elucidating every aspect of the entire process. The key consideration in constructing the explanation is recognition of the anomalous frequency value of interfacial oscillation of the metallic droplets revealing important details of their opaque interior. This leads to the second part of the talk where a novel theory shows how wave features at a drop surface can be exploited to quantify size and position of bubbles or solid particles inside the liquid domain. Such in-vivo diagnostic capability has similarity to atomic spectroscopy or application of Bragg’s law in crystallography, and can be useful in a wide range of fields including combustion technology and material processing. •

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Bhattacharya received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Yale University in 2005. Prior to that, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Jadavpur University in 1997, and obtained his Master’s degree at University of Connecticut in 2000. Upon Ph. D. graduation, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas Tech University as an assistant professor, and became an associate professor in 2011. His research interest includes low Reynolds number hydrodynamics, turbulence, turbulent scalar transport, and statistical mechanics.

For additional information, please contact Prof. Xinyu Zhao at (860) 486-0241, or Laurie Hockla at (860) 486-2189,

Combustion: From a Jet Engine to an Exploding Star

Friday, September 25 • 2:30 PM – UTEB, Rm. 175

Combustion: From a Jet Engine to an Exploding Star

Dr. Alexei Poludnenko

Naval Research Laboratory

Abstract: Turbulent reacting flows are pervasive both in our daily lives on Earth and in the Universe. They power the modern society being at the heart of many energy generation and propulsion systems, such as gas turbines, internal combustion and jet engines. On astronomical scales, thermonuclear turbulent flames are the driver of some of the most powerful explosions in the Universe, knows as Type Ia supernovae. These are crucibles, in which most of the elements around us from oxygen to iron are synthesized, and in the last 20 years they have led to one of the most remarkable discoveries in modern science, namely of the existence of dark energy. Despite this ubiquity in Nature, turbulent reacting flows remain poorly understood still posing a number of fundamental questions. In this talk, an overview of the numerical and theoretical work at the Naval Research Laboratory over the recent years is given, aimed at studying both chemical and thermonuclear turbulent flames. Several surprising phenomena that have emerged in the course of this work will be highlighted, in particular, in the context of the intrinsic instabilities of high-speed turbulent reacting flows, as well as some of the outstanding open challenges. Finally, the implications of this work for the development of the next generation of accurate, predictive turbulent flame models required for the design of practical combustion applications will be briefly discussed.

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Poludnenko received his Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Rochester in 2004. Upon graduation, he joined the Department of Energy ASC Flash Center at the University of Chicago as a postdoctoral researcher, where he worked on theoretical studies of astrophysical supernovae explosions and numerical modeling of thermonuclear deflagrations and detonations. Since joining the Naval Research Laboratory in 2007 first as a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow and later as a permanent research staff member, Dr. Poludnenko has been working on a wide range of topics in combustion, numerical algorithm development for hydro- and magnetohydrodynamics, and high-performance computing. In recent years, he has been leading the research program at NRL focused on theoretical and computational studies of turbulent combustion in chemical and astrophysical systems.

Can Other Materials Besides Diamond have Ultrahigh Thermal Conductivity?

Friday, September 18 • 2:30 PM – IMS, Rm. 20

Can Other Materials Besides Diamond have Ultrahigh Thermal Conductivity?

David A. Broido

Professor of Physics Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts

Abstract: Diamond and its carbon cousins, graphite and graphene, have long been known to have by far the highest thermal conductivities (κ) of any materials, achieving room temperature values of over 2000 Wm-1 K-1 . Other ‘high κ’ materials such as copper (κ=400 Wm-1 K-1 ) have significantly lower values. In spite of welldefined criteria to guide the search for new high κ materials, little progress has been made over the years. In this talk, I will describe a novel paradigm for achieving high κ that we have recently proposed. This paradigm introduces new criteria, which stem from fundamental vibrational properties that occur in compounds where the constituent atoms have a large mass ratio. We have calculated the lattice thermal conductivities of candidate materials using a first principles theoretical approach that combines an exact solution of the Boltzmann transport equation for phonons with accurate determination of the harmonic and anharmonic interatomic forces from density functional theory. We have demonstrated excellent agreement with the measured thermal conductivities of a wide range of materials, validating the predictive capability of this theory and contributing insight into the nature of thermal transport in materials. Guided by the new paradigm, we have identified one material, cubic boron arsenide, that should have an exceptionally high room temperature κ comparable to the highest known bulk value achieved in diamond. This finding opens opportunities for controlling phonon thermal transport, which may facilitate the design of new high κ materials for thermal management applications.

Biographical Sketch: David Broido is currently a Professor of Physics at Boston College. He received his Ph.D. degree in Theoretical Physics from the University of California at San Diego in 1985. He was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory before coming to Boston College in 1987. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. His research interests include theoretical studies of thermal and thermoelectric transport properties of materials using first principles approaches.

Alumni, John T. Sheridan

John T. “Tom” Sheridan (B.S. Mechanical Engineering, ’73), U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. (Ret.), received the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 2015von Braun Award for Excellence in Space Program Management at a ceremony in Pasadena, CA. A senior vice president and general manager at Vencore, Inc., Sheridan was recognized for significant contributions and service to his country during his military and civilian careers. He earned an MBA from Bryant University.

Computational Fluid dynamics modeling of industrial-scale fires

Friday, September 11 • 2:30 PM – UTEB, Rm. 175

Computational Fluid dynamics modeling of industrial-scale fires

Dr. Ning Ren

Fire Hazard and Protection Group FM Global

Abstract: Fire is one of the major causes of property loss. According to the National Fire Protection Association, more than ten billion dollars in fire-induced property damage are incurred annually in the US alone. Understanding fire behavior and improving the design of fire suppression systems are critical steps that can lead to the reduction of fire losses. To this end, fire testing at different physical scales has historically been used at FM Global to provide engineering fire protection solutions/guidelines. In recent years, however, much of this testing has been carried out using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)- based numerical modeling. A novel open-source fire modeling CFD tool has been developed by FM Global (firefoam) and it is designed for modeling the complex interactions of fire related phenomena such as buoyancy driven turbulence/combustion, flame radiation, condensed-phase pyrolysis, sprinkler spray and film flow transport, and suppression. The availability of a fire simulation tool, such as FireFOAM, can not only provide fundamental physical insights into fire dynamics and suppression, but also help design large-scale fire tests more effectively and efficiently. Moreover, numerical modeling can be used to explore some challenging practical scenarios where testing may be difficult, if not impossible, to conduct. In this talk, two numerical studies will be presented to illustrate the use of CFD modeling in fire loss prevention. The first configuration consists of a Class 2 rack storage array, a standard fuel and storage arrangement that is used for the purposes of commodity classification as well as the evaluation of fire protection systems. The second case corresponds to a storage configuration of vertically stacked paper rolls, which is a typical fire hazard in the pulp and paper industry. Details on various sub-models, including pyrolysis, turbulent flow, and flame heat transfer will be presented. Modeling results for two rack storage configurations (3- and 5-tier high) and two roll paper configurations (2- and 3-roll high) will be compared to available experimental data. Modeling results for two additional configurations (7-tier high rack storage and 6-roll high roll paper), for which no experimental data are available, will also be provided.

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Ren obtained his B.S. in Fire Safety Engineering from University of Science & Technology of China (USTC) in 2005, M.S. in Fire Protection Engineering in 2007 and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2010 from University of Maryland – College Park (UMD). He was a postdoctoral associate at Department of Fire Protection Engineering at UMD from 2011 to 2012, before joining FM Global as a senior research scientist. He works on fire suppression modeling using Largeeddy simulation based fire simulator. His research area includes pyrolysis modeling, flame extinction and suppression modeling.

For additional information, please contact Prof. Xinyu Zhao at (860) 486-0241, or Laurie Hockla at (860) 486-2189,

Alumni, Gregory R. Bylo

(UTAS. Prior to UTAS, he was head of global R&D for Lenze S.E.) byloGregory R. Bylo (B.S. Mechanical Engineering & Materials Engineering, ’80) was appointed vice president, Healthcare, at GSI US, an industry group driving open, global standards to help healthcare companies improve the accuracy, speed, and efficiency of the supply chain and care delivery. In this role, he will lead an industry-wide initiative focused on adoption and usage of GS1 standards in healthcare. Prior to joining GS1 US, Bylo was a senior director of global supply chain support services at Integra Life Sciences. He spent more than 15 years at Becton Dickinson leading sales and operations planning and supply chain planning

Alumni, Sandor Becz

Sandor Becz (Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, ’07) was appointed vice president of engineering at Hydroid, Inc., a subsidiary of Kongsberg Maritime and a leading manufacturer of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). In this role, he will lead all engineering activities at Hydroid, including research and development, new product development and engineering support. Becz joined Hydroid from United Technologies Aerospace Systems


Alumni, Edward J. Fisher

Edward J. Fisher (B.S. Mechanical Engineering, ’56) recently published the third edition of his sixth book of fiction, Lands of In-KO-8 Trilogy, through Xlibris Publishing. Prior to becoming writer, Fisher served in the United States Air Force for 21 years and taught at Central Michigan University for 24 years, retiring as a professor emeritus. Kirkus Reviews describes the book as “a sci-fi saga of an alien world, recounting its wars, its near-destruction and its risky restoration.”