Month: April 2021

Artificial intelligence for structural materials design and manufacturing

Abstract: After billions of years of evolution, it is no surprise that biological materials are treated as an invaluable source of inspiration in the search for new materials. Additionally, developments in computation spurred the fourth paradigm of materials discovery and design using artificial intelligence. Our research aims to advance design and manufacturing processes to create the next generation of high-performance engineering and biological materials by harnessing techniques integrating artificial intelligence, Multiphysics modeling, and multiscale experimental characterization. This work combines computational methods and algorithms to investigate design principles and mechanisms embedded in materials with superior properties, including bioinspired materials. Additionally, we develop and implement deep learning algorithms to detect and resolve problems in current additive manufacturing technologies, allowing for automated quality assessment and the creation of functional and reliable structural materials. These advances will find applications in robotic devices, energy storage technologies, orthopedic implants, among many others. In the future, this algorithmically driven approach will enable materials-by-design of complex architectures, opening up new avenues of research on advanced materials with specific functions and desired properties.

Biographical Sketch: Grace X. Gu is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. She received her PhD and MS in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her current research focuses on creating new materials with superior properties for mechanical, biological, and energy applications using multiphysics modeling, artificial intelligence, and high-throughput computing, as well as developing intelligent additive manufacturing technologies to realize complex material designs previously impossible. Gu is the recipient of several awards, including the 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35, Johnson & Johnson Women in STEM2D Scholars Award, Royal Society of Chemistry Materials Horizons Outstanding Paper Prize, and SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award.

Tianfeng Lu elected as a Combustion Institute (CI) Fellow

We are proud to announce that Mechanical Engineering Professor Tianfeng Lu has been recognized as one of the 2021 Class of Fellows for The Combustion Institute.

Prof. Lu joins a class of 32 accomplished international scholars from industry, academia, and the public sector, and was recognized for “the development of computationally efficient and accurate methods for the systematic, efficient and massive reduction of large reaction mechanisms.”

Dr. Lu received his B.S. and MS degrees in 1994 and 1997 respectively, both in Engineering Mechanics and both from Tsinghua University, followed by his Ph.D. degree in 2004 from Princeton University in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He joined UConn as an Assistant Professor in August 2008 after spending 4 years in research positions at Princeton. His research focuses on computational combustion with special interests in reduced chemical kinetics, stiff chemistry solvers, and computational diagnostics of laminar and turbulent flames.

Prof. George Matheou recognized with a University Level Teaching Excellence Award

“I Hear and I Forget, I See and I Remember, I Do and I Understand”
(attributed to Confucius, 551 BC to 479 BC)

In addition to his ability to solve significant societal and environmental problems using computational science, Prof. George Matheou is no stranger to educational innovations that explore new ways to involve students in the learning process. In fact his pedagogical innovations have been formally recognized by the University Teaching Innovation Award from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at the University of Connecticut. See also his innovative exhibit @ the Benton Museum of Art that blends art and science with innovative pedagogical activities.

Congratulations, Prof. Matheou!

SeungYeon Kang joins the ME department

We’re thrilled to welcome Dr. SeungYeon Kang  as a new Assistant Professor in our Department of Mechanical Engineering. Prof. Kang obtained her PhD in Applied Physics from Harvard University.

Her current research interests include nanofabrication with ultrafast lasers, fundamental principles and application of light-matter interaction, 3D printing, additive manufacturing and energy harvesting through unconventional phenomenon such as piezoelectrochemistry.

Soft materials for soft machines

Abstract: Soft machines are transforming the fields of robotics and biomedical devices in that they are capable of sustaining large deformation and interacting safely with human beings. Soft active materials can change their shapes or volumes in response to external stimuli, such as light, heat and electric fields, and are important building blocks of soft machines. The recent advance of 3D printing techniques allows manufacturing of soft materials into complex structures. Designing and fabricating soft structures with predictable actuation and programmable functionalities are the major efforts in the field. In this seminar, I will first talk about our recent progress in controlling and modeling spatiotemporal reconfiguration of soft active materials. By spatially patterning photo-responsive liquid crystal elastomers, we have shown morphing of flat sheets into designed three-dimensional geometry. To predict the spatiotemporal responses of photo-responsive hydrogels, we have developed a nonlinear field theory based on the nonequilibrium thermodynamics to capture the coupled reaction-diffusion kinetics. Further accounting the inertia effect, we have predicted and demonstrated self-excited photo-responsive hydrogel oscillators that can autonomously vibrate under constant light irradiation. Tuning the properties of soft materials through sophisticated chemical synthesis is often challenging. To overcome this limitation, I will demonstrate how we are able to vary the responses of soft materials by designing and fabricating them into mechanical metamaterials, which are materials with microarchitectures. Our efforts in designing phase-transforming metamaterials and energy-absorbing metamaterials will be discussed.

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Lihua Jin is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Before joining UCLA in 2016, she was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University. In 2014, she obtained her PhD degree in Engineering Sciences from Harvard University. Prior to that, she earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Fudan University in 2006 and 2009. Jin’s group conducts research on mechanics of soft materials, stimuli-responsive materials, instability and fracture, and soft robotics. Lihua was the winner of Haythornthwaite Research Initiative Grant from American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 2016, Extreme Mechanics Letters Young Investigator Award in 2018, Hellman Fellowship in 2019, and UCLA Faculty Career Development Award in 2020.

New ARPA-E grant received by Prof. Julian Norato

Prof. Julian Norato has received a new ARPA-E grant to study Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing for Performance Enhancement of High Temperature and High Pressure Heat Exchangers.

High-temperature, high-pressure heat exchangers can substantially increase heat transfer efficiency and reduce the size and weight of the heat exchangers. In this project, the group will consider counterflow plate heat exchangers, in which the cold and hot fluids flow in between alternate parallel plates and in opposite directions. The plates have flow structures (such as fins) that increase turbulence in the flow and improve mixing, which in turn improves the heat transfer rate.

The computational topology optimization techniques that will be advanced by this project will find highly optimal designs of these fin structures to maximize the heat transfer efficiency while guaranteeing the structural integrity of the plates at the high operating temperatures. The designs obtained by this project will be additively manufactured and tested by Michigan State University’s (MSU) Scalable and Expeditious Additive Manufacturing (SEAM) process, which can efficiently 3D-print parts that are fully dense and free of residual stresses. These characteristics substantially increase the strength of the 3D-printed metal plates at high temperatures.

The topology optimization framework will be coupled with the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) solvers by Altair Engineering, the leading vendor in topology optimization software and one of the leading makers of simulation tools.

Xinyu Zhao and Ying Li receive the prestigious NSF CAREER award

Two ME professors received the 2020 National Science Foundation’s CAREER award, which is the Foundation’s most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty.

Prof. Xinyu Zhao’s 500k CAREER award focuses on developing a fundamental understanding of flame extinction, which plays a central role in promoting energy security, environmental sustainability, air-travel safety and opportune fire suppression. Droplets, such as fuel sprays in aeronautical combustors and water droplets in pollutant reduction or fire suppression, are ubiquitous in practical combustion systems. When interacting with an established gaseous flame, droplets introduce additional mechanisms to extinguish a flame, through physical processes such as vaporization, dilution, subsequent reactions, modulation of turbulence, and radiative heat transfer. Through this project, Prof. Zhao will investigate the fundamental understanding and develop quantitative descriptions of key factors governing the flame extinction process in presence of droplets. 

The 592k CAREER award received by Prof. Ying Li will support fundamental research to understand complex mechanical behaviors of thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs). Biodegradable TPEs have the great potential to be used as protective coatings for cell phones, artificial muscles for soft robotics, and polymer electrolytes for batteries. This research project aims to understand and quantify the link between synthesis, microstructure, and mechanical property of TPEs, with the help of multi-scale computational modeling, machine learning, and experimental validation. With tailored mechanical properties, these biodegradable and environment-friendly TPEs can be widely used further to enable an array of novel structural and device applications, alleviating the plastic pollution crisis.