Author: Orlando E

Advances in Data Analytics for IoT Enabled Smart and Connected Systems

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Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) represents the convergence of
three major and irreversible technology trends, namely (i) embedded sensing/smart devices, (ii) pervasive connectivity, and (iii) real-time analytics and contextual intelligence. The ability to collect and share relevant data across a wide range of devices, coupled with the ability to make real- time decisions, results in an unprecedented opportunities for system modeling, monitoring, and prognosis. In this talk, several new data analytics techniques tailored for IoT-enabled smart and connected systems will be introduced, including modeling and prognosis of condition monitoring signals using B-spline based mixed effects model, degradation model considering environmental factors, and stochastic decision making. The advantageous features of the proposed methods are demonstrated through numerical studies and real world case studies.

Biographical Sketch: Shiyu Zhou is the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the Director of IoT Systems Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research focuses on data-driven modeling, monitoring, diagnosis, and prognosis for engineering systems with particular emphasis on manufacturing and after-sales service systems. He has established methods for modeling, analysis, and control of Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabled smart and connected systems, variation modeling, analysis, and reduction for complex manufacturing processes, and process control methodologies for emerging nano-manufacturing processes. He has won a large number of highly competitive federal research grants. His research also attracted significant interests from industry and received significant direct funding support from various companies. He is a recipient of a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation and the Best Application Paper Award from IIE Transactions. He is now the director of IoT Systems Research Center at UW-Madison and a fellow of IISE, ASME, and SME.

Development of Biosensors for Process Sensing, Monitoring and Control for Personalized Cell Manufacturing with Additive Manufacturing and Data Analytics Techniques

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Abstract: Cell therapy is one of the most promising new treatment approaches over the last decades, demonstrating great potential in treating cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma. For example, the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy has shown innovative therapeutic effects in clinical trials, leading to a recent approval by FDA as a new cancer treatment modality. However, production of such therapeutic cells is extremely expensive due to the complexity of biomanufacturing processes/systems and the intrinsic patient-to-patient variability. There is an urgent need for research and development for scalable, cost- effective biomanufacturing technologies. One of such technologies is real-time process sensing, monitoring and control. This seminar presents an ongoing research work which aims at developing a real-time process sensing and monitoring technique for an important process step in cell manufacturing: cell expansion. The additively manufactured, impendence-based biosensors developed in this project can measure cell density in a bioreactor during the cell expansion process. A data analytics method is developed and incorporated to enhance the effectiveness of the biosensors for monitoring personalized manufacturing of cells from different patients by eliminating conventional sensor calibration steps. The current results and planned future work will be discussed.

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Chuck Zhang is the Harold E. Smalley Professor at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering in Georgia Institute of Technology. His current research interests include additive manufacturing, biomanufacturing, cybersecurity for manufacturing, and advanced composite and nanomaterials manufacturing. Dr. Zhang has managed or conducted numerous research projects sponsored by major federal agencies including National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Defense, and Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as industrial companies such as ATK, Cummins, Delta Air Lines, Lockheed Martin and Siemens. He is a fellow of IISE. Dr. Zhang has published over 200 refereed journal articles and 220 conference papers. He also holds 25 U.S. patents.

Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling for Biomedical and Aerospace Applications

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Abstract: Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) is a multiphysics phenomenon that occurs when moving or deformable structures interact with internal or surrounding fluid flows. The coupling between the dynamics of the fluid and mechanics of the structure often gives rise to unexpected behaviors vital to many science and engineering problems. In this presentation, I will discuss a new computational FSI framework developed based on isogeometric and immersogeometric analysis with application to the modeling and simulation of biomedical and aerospace problems. The fully-coupled FSI formulation is derived using the augmented Lagrangian approach to enforce kinematic and traction constraints and naturally accommodates nonmatching and non- boundary-fitted fluid-structure interfaces. This novel method can make direct use of the CAD boundary representation of a complex design structure and effectively deal with FSI problems involving large deformations of the fluid domain, including changes of topology. The key ingredients to achieving high simulation accuracy will be reviewed. The proposed FSI framework is applied to engineering and science applications at different scales, ranging from studying complex military aircraft tail buffeting due to different angles of attack to understanding prosthetic heart valve leaflet flutter under physiological conditions. The findings and challenges will be shown and discussed in detail.

Biographical Sketch: Ming-Chen Hsu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Iowa State University. He received his MS degree in Engineering Mechanics from UT Austin in 2008 and PhD degree in Structural Engineering from UC San Diego in 2012. From 2012 to 2013, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at UT Austin before joining Iowa State University. He is the recipient of the 2019 USACM Gallagher Young Investigator Award and is listed as a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher from 2016 to 2019. He has published over 70 peer- reviewed journal papers and serves on several national and international professional society committees on computational methods and applications. His research focuses on computational mechanics, engineering, and sciences with an emphasis on fluid-structure interaction problems.

Bone-Inspired Design: The Role of Computation and Manufacturing

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Abstract: The high demand for engineering lightweight materials with an optimal strength-toughness balance is driving the research towards the design of innovative materials with great performance. Composites generally represent the best option for structural applications, offering a good stiffness-strength balance, combined with a low weight. However, the reduced toughness of composite materials often represents a limitation for their structural applications. Many researchers tried to overcome this limitation by implementing nature-inspired features into the composite design, leading to a new class of composites with improved toughness: the biomimetic composites. Natural hierarchical materials, indeed, represent a good source of inspiration for new material design. In particular, bone is a promising candidate, showing a great combination of stiffness and strength, a remarkable toughness, and a lightweight structure that provides support to a wide class of animal bodies. The mysterious reason behind seem to lie in hierarchy. This talk will show different case studies of biomimetic composites, inspired by different hierarchical levels of bone tissue and realized by different manufacturing techniques (e.g. 3D-printing additive, lamination). Each case study investigates the effect of a hierarchical sub-structure on the tissue-level properties and behavior, through a combined numerical-experimental approach, highlighting the role of the characteristic structural features on activating specific mechanisms. This research embraces the fundamental understanding of biological structural materials and the effective transferable technologies for the bio-inspired design and fabrication of novel material systems.

Biographical Sketch: Flavia Libonati received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Polytechnic University of Milan in 2013, followed by a postdoctoral associate position in the same university. In 2014, she became Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan and then in 2019 she was appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Genoa. Since 2014 she is also Research Affiliate at MIT, where she has been Visiting Research Scholar in 2016-2017, and recently appointed Research Affiliate at the Italian Institute of Technology. Her primary research interests are in the field of biological composites and biomimetic materials, with a special focus on the design and manufacturing of bio-inspired multiscale 3D-composite and smart materials for future engineering applications, through a multiscale numerical and experimental approach. She is the recipient of several awards and fellowships and is a member of renowned scientific society.


Engineering in Precision Medicine

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Abstract: Engineered materials that integrate advances in polymer chemistry, nanotechnology, and biological sciences have the potential to create powerful medical therapies. Dr. Khademhosseini’s group is interested in developing ‘personalized’ solutions that utilize micro- and nanoscale technologies to enable a range of therapies for organ failure, cardiovascular disease and cancer. In enabling this vision he works closely with clinicians (including interventional radiologists, cardiologists and surgeons). For example, he has developed numerous techniques in controlling the behavior of patient-derived cells to engineer artificial tissues and cell- based therapies. His group also aims to engineer tissue regenerative therapeutics using water-containing polymer networks called hydrogels that can regulate cell behavior. Specifically, he has developed photo-crosslinkable hybrid hydrogels that combine natural biomolecules with nanoparticles to regulate the chemical, biological, mechanical and electrical properties of gels. These functional scaffolds induce the differentiation of stem cells to desired cell types and direct the formation of vascularized heart or bone tissues. Since tissue function is highly dependent on architecture, he has also used microfabrication methods, such as microfluidics, photolithography, bioprinting, and molding, to regulate the architecture of these materials. He has employed these strategies to generate miniaturized tissues. To create tissue complexity, he has also developed directed assembly techniques to compile small tissue modules into larger constructs. It is anticipated that such approaches will lead to the development of next-generation regenerative therapeutics and biomedical devices.

Biographical Sketch: Ali Khademhosseini is currently the CEO and Founding Director at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation. Previously, he was a Professor of Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering and Radiology at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). He joined UCLA as the Levi Knight Chair in November 2017 from Harvard University where he was Professor at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and faculty at the Harvard-MIT’s Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST), Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and as well as associate faculty at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. At Harvard University, he directed the Biomaterials Innovation Research Center (BIRC) a leading initiative in making engineered biomedical materials. Dr. Khademhosseini is an Associate Editor for ACS Nano. He served as the Research Highlights editor for Lab on a Chip. He is on the editorial boards of numerous journals including Small, RSC Advances, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Biomaterials Science, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Biomacromolecules, Reviews on Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Materials, Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition and Biofabrication. He received his Ph.D. in bioengineering from MIT (2005), and MASc (2001) and BASc (1999) degrees from University of Toronto both in chemical engineering.

Mesoscale Physics and Stochastics in Energy Storage

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Abstract: Advances in electrochemical energy storage are critical toward enabling vehicle electrification and renewable energy integration into the electric grid. Recent years have witnessed an urgent need to accelerate innovation toward realizing improved and safe utilization of high energy and power densities, for example in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. These are complex, dynamical systems which include coupled processes encompassing electronic/ionic/diffusive transport in solid/electrolyte phases, electrochemical reactions, diffusion induced stress generation, and thermal transport in porous electrodes. Fundamental understanding of the underlying transport, chemistry, microstructure, and interface interactions in porous electrode architectures is of critical importance. This talk will highlight the role of mesoscale complexations and stochasticity with examples from different battery chemistries.

Bio Sketch: Partha P. Mukherjee is currently an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. Before joining Purdue, he was an Assistant Professor and Morris E. Foster Faculty Fellow of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University (TAMU). Prior to starting his academic career at TAMU in 2012, he worked for four years in the U.S. Department of Energy Labs; a staff scientist (2009- 2011) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and a Director’s research fellow (2008-2009) at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in 2007. Prior to PhD studies, he worked as an engineer for four years at Fluent India Pvt. Ltd, a fully-owned subsidiary of Fluent Inc., currently Ansys Inc. He received the Scialog Fellows’ recognition for advanced energy storage, Purdue University Faculty Excellence Award for Research, visiting faculty lectureship at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), TMS Young Leaders Award, emerging investigator distinction from the Institute of Physics, to name a few. His research interests are focused on mesoscale physics and stochastics of transport, chemistry and microstructure interactions, including an emphasis in the broad spectrum of energy storage and conversion.

Dr. Farhad Imani joins the ME Department

Proposal on the Space Needle

We are happy to welcome Dr. Farhad Imani as a new Assistant Professor in our Department of Mechanical Engineering. Prof. Imani obtained his PhD from Penn State in 2020 and brings to UConn his expertise in advanced manufacturing, and specifically in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.

His research interests focus on data analytics, machine learning, statistical learning, and decision theory for process monitoring and control, system diagnostics and prognostics, quality and reliability improvement with applications in advanced manufacturing

Using BME Modeling Tools to Aid in Clinical Diagnosis of Orthopedic Injuries

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Abstract: Over 250,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur every year in the United States alone, costing over $1.5 billion dollars in rehabilitation and reconstruction care. However, despite extensive rehabilitation, upwards of 56% of individuals fail to return to previous functional levels years after treatment due to lingering neuromuscular impairments. These impairments result in inactivity and the development of osteoarthritis (OA), osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, which are estimated to cost $62.1 billion, $14 billion, and $316.6 billion, respectively, a year in their own right. Thus, the total cost of these injuries indicates a much bigger problem than we realize. The prevalence of early onset OA in the post-ACL reconstruction population indicates the need for a better understanding of the relationship between neuromuscular control and musculoskeletal dynamics to improve the effectiveness of post ACL injury rehabilitation care. Therefore, the objective of our work is to pioneer new post ACL rehabilitation modalities that produce positive gait adaptation by combining innovative experimental studies, machine learning and computational modeling to engineer novel gait protocols and dynamic braces that better support the knee by engaging muscles during dynamic movement. 

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Kristin Morgan is an Assistant Professor in the Biomedical Engineering at the University of Connecticut. She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees all in Biomedical Engineering from Duke University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and the University of Tennessee, respectively. She was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Kentucky where she was awarded the Lyman T. Johnson Postdoctoral Fellowship. Dr. Morgan has also been the recipient of a Whitaker International Summer Grant Fellowship and is a National Institutes of Health Program for Excellence & Equity in Research (PEER) Fellow, and a United States Bone and Joint Institute Young Investigator. Dr. Morgan’s research interests are focused on the identification of novel rehabilitation protocols to optimize long-term lower extremity injury outcomes and innovative metrics to identify the restoration of healthy neuromuscular control. Her work has been funded by General Dynamics Electric Boat and the Office of Naval Research.

Prof. Norato joins the Editorial Board of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design

Dr. Julián Norato, associate professor of Mechanical Engineering, has been named Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. This archival journal publishes papers on and embraces broad, interdisciplinary aspects of engineering design research.

His current research interests lie in incorporating failure, geometric, manufacturing and cost requirements in computational topology and shape optimization techniques for the design exploration of novel and highly efficient structures and architected materials. Dr. Norato is a 2020 Air Force Research Lab Summer Fellow, the recipient of the 2019 ASME Design Automation Young Investigator Award, a 2018 NSF CAREER awardee and a recipient of the 2017 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program award. He also serves as Review Editor for the Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.