Month: October 2019

Overview of MDAO at the Air Force Research Laboratory and a Bio-inspired Method for Topology Optimization of Aircraft Structures

Abstract: The mission  of AFRL’s Multidisciplinary Science and Technology Center (MSTC) is to discover, assess, and exploit coupled system behavior for optimization of revolutionary aerospace vehicles through the application of multidisciplinary design, analysis, and optimization (MDAO). To this end, MSTC performs  in-house research and sponsors efforts ranging from basic developments in FEA, CFD, design space exploration, physics-based design, and experimental testing through technology demonstration vehicles including the X-56 and XQ-58A. An area of ongoing interest in MSTC is the development of topology optimization (TO) methodologies for the design of efficient aircraft structure. Commercially available tools for TO have successfully been employed for aircraft components such as lightweight brackets and other localized components. However, it remains a challenge to utilize these density-based methods to design aircraft primary structure that is subject to diverse design constraints including aeroelastic deformations, flutter, panel buckling, stress requirements, and control effectiveness criteria. To address this challenge, a biologically-inspired technique based on the production rules governing cellular division of living organisms has been developed and applied to identify optimal topological layouts of air vehicle structure. Preliminary results demonstrate over 10% reductions in structural weight is from TO compared to optimally-sized structure with conventional structural topology. In addition, the performance  of resulting designs has been validated using 3D printing and static/modal testing of subscale models. This talk will provide an overview of ongoing efforts in AFRL’s MSTC and will introduce the bio-inspired method for the topology optimization of aircraft structures.

Biographical Sketch: Joshua Deaton is a Research Aerospace Engineer in AFRL’s Aerospace Systems Directorate’s Multidisciplinary Science and Technology Center (MSTC). In this role Dr. Deaton develops and applies multidisciplinary computational design technologies and leads collaborative efforts with industry, academia, and other government partners to transition multidisciplinary design technology to support the design of next-generation Air Force platforms. His primary research areas include coupled sensitivity analysis, structural and topology optimization, and nonlinear thermoelasticity. Dr. Deaton received his Ph.D. in Engineering with a focus on Computational Design and Optimization as well as his B.Sc. in Mechanical Eng. from Wright State University. He serves on the AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) Technical Committee and recently received the Outstanding Technical Contribution – Science Award from the AIAA Dayton-Cincinnati Section for his contributions in multidisciplinary sensitivity analysis for geometrically nonlinear aerospace structures.


Instabilities in Soft Materials: Emergent Heterogeneity and Other Surprises

Abstract: During development, instabilities develop in the brain, giving it its characteristic wrinkled shape. Other soft tissues, including skin, the bladder, and the airway mucosa, also exhibit instabilities and the resulting folds, wrinkles, and creases. Instabilities in these soft tissues, which often contain multiple layers with distinct properties, are very complex and still not well understood. The focus of this talk will be on the unique features of instabilities in soft layered materials, including their sensitivity to different sources of compression, the interactions of adjacent layers and interfaces, the influence of boundary conditions, and the emergence of heterogeneous layer thickness as a result of wrinkling. I will share results from theoretical, computational, physical, and imaging approaches, and discuss their implications for the study of the developing brain.

Biographical Sketch: Maria Holland is the Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, IN. She earned her M.S. and Ph.D. from Stanford University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering with Prof. Ellen Kuhl, and her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tulsa, graduating Phi Beta Kappa. Her research is in computational biomechanics, using solid mechanics and computational tools to address important questions about complex soft materials, including the brain. Through collaborations with clinicians and experimentalists, she aims to understand the development of the human brain and how it relates to the brain’s form and function. Additionally, she works to extend the functionality of traditional engineering methods to encompass soft, growing materials.

Two Faculty Searches for the 2019-2020 Academic Year

For the 2019-202 academic year we have two open positions: one open rank and the second at the Assistant or Associate professor levels. The start date is August 2020.

We are looking for exceptional candidates in advanced and digital manufacturing. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • intelligent robotics and automation,
  • applied controls,
  • additive manufacturing,
  • computational design of products and processes,
  • uncertainty quantification and reliability, and
  • data analytics and machine learning informed by physics.

To apply follow this link.


Professor Matheou’s Exhibit @ the Benton Blends Art and Science With Teaching

George Matheou and his exhibit at the William Benton Museum of Art. (UConn Photo/Eli Freund)

By: Alexandra Meropoulos, Student Written Communications Specialist, UConn School of Engineering

Art and science are two fields that appear to be worlds apart at first glance, but according to George Matheou, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, the intersection between the two are actually extremely important. This notion became the inspiration behind his art exhibit called Fluid Dynamics in Art and Nature at the William Benton Museum of Art. 

Read more by following this link.

The Challenge of Modeling and Simulation for Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors

Abstract: The rapidly expanding interest in molten salt reactors (MSRs), particularly as small modular reactors, is resulting in the generation of multiple design concepts with efforts at a variety of early developmental stages. Various companies and organizations in a number of countries are looking at such systems to be safe, economical, and rapidly deployable power systems. For efficient design, operation, and regulation of MSRs it will be necessary to have the ability to simulate reactor behavior across the spectrum from neutronics and fluid dynamics to corrosion and salt phase behavior. MSRs have not been considered since the original prototype, the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment, that ran successfully from 1965-1969 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and thus there is little legacy of useful information. Aspects of potential modeling and simulation of future molten salt reactors will be discussed with respect to the unique challenges they present. Among the current needs are extensive thermophysical and thermochemical properties describing salts and other reactor materials. In particular, the ability to compute chemical and phase equilibria (e.g., potential solid phase precipitation) throughout the molten salt loop(s). Activities and opportunities in these areas will be discussed as contributing to development of a knowledge base for molten salt reactor technology.

Biographical Sketch: Ted Besmann is Professor and SmartState Chair for Transformational Nuclear Technologies, directing the General Atomics Center at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Besmann received his B.E. in chemical engineering from New York University, M.S. in nuclear engineering from Iowa State University, and Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. In 1975 he joined ORNL and subsequently became a Group Leader and Distinguished Member of the Research Staff. Besmann’s nearly 40 years at Oak Ridge National Laboratory included a joint appointment in the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of Tennessee. Besmann has over 160 refereed publications, and is a Fellow of both the American Ceramic Society and the American Nuclear Society. He is chair of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development-Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD-NEA) Working Party on Multi-Scale Modeling of Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials and is vice-chair of their Thermodynamics of Advanced Fuels-International Database program. Dr. Besmann is also Co-Director of the DOE Energy Frontier Research Center led by USC, the Center for Hierarchical Waste Form Materials.