Faculty, Robert Gao


A research team lead by Dr. Robert Gao has won a “Best Paper Award” at the 2012 ASME/ISCIE International Symposium on Flexible Automation, held in St. Louis, MO in June 2012.  The paper, “Viscosity Measurement in Injection Molding Using a Multivariate Sensor,” describes a sensing method that quantifies multiple parameters critical to the quality control in polymer processing and wirelessly transmits the measured data through acoustic waves for remote information retrieval.  The paper results from a collaborative effort between Dr. Gao’s group at UConn (with graduate student Navid Asadizanjani and Assistant Research Professor Zhaoyan Fan) and Prof. David Kazmer in the Polymer Engineering department at UMass Lowell.  This research has been supported by the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Division of the NSF.