Past Seminars

Electrochemical Energy Systems

Abstract: Demand of batteries keeps increasing as electronic devices get widespread and fossil-based systems are being replaced by electricity-based systems. Lithium-ion battery has been considered one of the most promising power sources for mobile and transportation systems, but it faces challenging issues of high cost, low capacity (i.e. short operation hours or driving ranges), and safety issues. Therefore, it is necessary to find the break-through technologies to resolve those issues. In this talk, two promising electrochemical systems will be introduced: aluminum-air battery and multi-valent catalytic flow battery. Aluminum is cheap and abundant, benign to the environment, and stable in moisture. But, due to the problems of self-corrosion and formation of inert oxide film on the surface of aluminum during cell operation, the Al-based rechargeable battery could not reach commercialization stage. Ionic liquid which is a molten salt in liquid form at room temperature is getting intense attention recently as a promising electrolyte to resolve those issues. In this talk, discussion will be made about the effect of the oxide film on performance of the ionic-liquid based Al-air battery and how to control the film with results of research conducted in Dr. Cho’s group at Northern Illinois University (NIU) through experiment and physic-based modeling.Redox flow battery (RFB) is enjoying a renaissance with substantial achievement of research, altering it ultra-high performing and high energy dense system. And also, the excellent feature of RFB decoupling energy from power has been applied as a key design factor to overcome the challenging issues of conventional battery systems. In this talk, new promising “redox-mediated bromate based flow battery” which has theoretical energy density greater than lithium ion battery will be introduced, and characteristic “auto-accelerated” catalytic electrochemical reaction coupled with chemical reaction will be discussed in detail.

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Kyu Taek Cho is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL. He has around 20-year experience in the electrochemical system through works in national lab, industry, and academy. He had worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab as a postdoc and then a research staff before he joined NIU in 2014. He also has industrial experience as a research engineer at Hyundai Motor Company, S. Korea to develop a fuel stack for the application to vehicle. Dr. Cho has Ph.D. achieved from Pennsylvania State University under guidance of Professor Matthew Mench. Dr. Cho is a director of Electrochemical Energy Lab at NIU to conduct the fundamental research of advanced electrochemical and thermal energy systems.

Real-Time Sea-State Estimation From Measurement Of A Ship’s Motion in Waves

Abstract: In standard seakeeping simulations of a ship in irregular seas, the rigid body motions of the ship are computed using a set of semi-analytic integro-differential equations, which model the response of the ship including non-linear and history dependent forces.    Using this type of model allows one to model the response of the ship in incident irregular waves, corresponding to a sea state defined by its significant wave height, Hs, peak spectral period, Tp, dominant wave direction, θ0, and spectrum type, while allowing fairly quick simulation of the response using standard numerical integration methods.  In this work, we develop and apply such a model to compute ship motions for a large number of sea states. Then, we perform the inverse problem of determining the governing sea state parameters by training a Neural Network, based on the time histories of ship response in roll, pitch, and heave computed with the model. The estimator is then validated against physical model test experiments conducted using irregular waves generated in a towing tank to demonstrate that the numerical model is sufficient for training the Neural Network using simulated data.  The main rationale for this work is to develop a low-cost method for small vessels to estimate local sea state conditions in order to avoid operations in dangerous sea states, however the same techniques could be applied in general to transiting vessels to obtain local and continuous sea state measurements for general science purposes or other uses. 

Biographical Sketches: Jason M. Dahl is an Associate Professor in the Department of Ocean Engineering at the University of Rhode Island.  Dr. Dahl (PhD, Ocean Engineering, MIT; B.S., Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Webb Institute) is an expert in fluid-structure interactions and floating body dynamics, with particular expertise in the flow-induced vibration of underwater structures. Dr. Dahl has extensive experience as an experimentalist with towing tank operations, dynamic testing, and quantitative flow visualization.

Stephan T. Grilli is a Distinguished Professor and Chair, in the Department of Ocean Engineering at the University of Rhode Island.  Dr. Grilli (PhD, Ocean Engineering, M.S. Physical Oceanography, M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Liège) has a broad background in Computational Fluids Dynamics related to free surface and wave-structure interaction problems in coastal, naval and ocean engineering, and oceanography. Dr. Grilli has over 30 years of experience with developing higher-order boundary element models and viscous simulations for the solution of free surface potential flows for wave propagation and wave-structure interactions including the modeling of tsunami wave propagation, ship seakeeping in waves, wave breaking, and wave energy systems.

Chondrocyte Mechanotransduction: Metabolomic and Proteomic Analyses

Abstract: Several studies have documented the importance of metabolism to osteoarthritis. This seminar will discuss recent advances in understanding how chondrocytes alter their metabolism in response to in vitro mechanical loading.  Furthermore, metabolomic studies of osteoarthritic  synovial  fluid  will  be  discussed in the  context  of  early  detection  and  phenotypes  of osteoarthritis.

Biographical Sketch: Ron June has longstanding research interests in osteoarthritis and biomechanics related to improving human health.  At Dartmouth College he studied Engineering Sciences focused on biomechanics and developed a novel wrist protection strategy, contributed to the design and manufacture of a system for monitoring 3D head accelerations in helmeted sports, and helped to develop a finite element model to understand the biomechanics of spinal pain in rats.  As a graduate student at the University of California, Davis, Dr. June studied cartilage biomechanics.  Specifically, he investigated a novel mechanism of cartilage flow-independent viscoelasticity.  During the course of this project, he discovered novel biomechanical phenomena and made several experimental observations that are consistent with polymer dynamics as a potential physiological mechanism of cartilage viscoelasticity.  As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. June has implemented a surgical model of  mouse  osteoarthritis  and  studied  protein  transduction.    He  developed  a  pH-sensitive  system  for intracellular delivery of macromolecules and has investigated protein transduction in cartilage and chondrocytes.   Dr. June’s laboratory at Montana State University was completed in March 2012, and his research involves applying modern techniques to advance understanding of osteoarthritis and joint biology. He has applied both targeted and untargeted metabolomic profiling to mechanobiological questions. Dr. June has been named a GAANN Fellow, NIH Kirchstein Fellow, and the Montgomery Street Scholar by the ARCS Foundation.  His long-term research interests lie in understanding cartilage and joint mechanobiology to develop novel therapeutic strategies for joint disease.

Prof. Michael Yu Wang (HKUST): Material and Structure Design and Optimization in the Era of Additive Manufacturing

Abstract: Additive manufacturing (AM) today affords complete freedom in controlling geometric details and material composition in three-dimensional fabrication. They provide new routes for manufacturing parts with structural properties in high-strength, light-weight, and exceptional performance. To further the adoption of the AM technologies, there is a need for “Design for Additive Manufacturing” methodologies and computer tools that empower designers to realize products that can fully capitalize on the AM capabilities.

Our approach to Design for Additive Manufacturing is an optimization-driven methodology for design exploration, synthesis and multi-disciplinary optimization. Our primary development is a topology optimization method integrated with analysis models for optimal material design of functional components. The required material properties are achieved by optimizing the important factors governing void geometry and material distribution. It generates structurally optimal design concepts from supplied information on loads, constraints and required product performance and manufacture conditions. The method has found a wide range of applications in the design of multi-functional structures, auxetic materials, and light-weight aero-structures. The applications for cellular structures and shellular materials will be particularly discussed.

Bio Sketch: Michael Yu Wang is a Chair Professor and the Founding Director of Robotics Institute at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He earned his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University and previously taught at University of Maryland, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and National University of Singapore. He has numerous professional honors–including Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award from Society of Automotive Engineers, 1994; LaRoux K. Gillespie Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1995; Boeing–A.D. Welliver Faculty Summer Fellow, 1998; China State Natural Science Prize (Second Class) from the Ministry of Science & Technology of China (2012), and ASME Design Automation Award (2013) from ASME. He is a Fellow of ASME, HKIE, and IEEE.

Prof. Ronald K. Hanson (Stanford): PW Distinguished Lecture: New Strategies for Laser Diagnostics and Shock Tube Imaging

Abstract: This presentation will introduce two new ideas for laser diagnostics applicable to combustion and propulsion and two new ideas for high-speed imaging of combustion phenomena in a shock tube.  The first laser diagnostic to be discussed is Spectrally-Resolved Fluorescence, in which a narrow-linewidth wavelength-tunable laser source is rapidly scanned over one or more absorption transitions, allowing collection of a spatially resolved laser-induced fluorescence signal that reflects the strength and shape of the absorption feature.  This diagnostic can potentially provide accurate determinations of temperature, pressure, flow velocity and the concentration of the absorbing species.  The example to be presented will be of OH excited and detected in the ultraviolet (UV).  The second new laser diagnostic utilizes a narrow-linewidth infrared laser source that can be scanned rapidly over a relatively wide wavelength range, thereby enabling acquisition of spectral absorption cross-sections over a full rovibrational absorption band of combustion-relevant species in a short time (a few milliseconds), compatible with the test times available in reflected shock wave experiments.   The goal of the experiments is to generate a unique data base for cross-sections over a wide range of temperature, not feasible in a heated static cell.  Two other experiments will be presented, both based on imaging of shock-heated gases. In the first experiment, high-speed imaging is used to visualize and characterize aspects of inhomogeneous ignition that can occur in reflected shock wave experiments of hydrocarbon fuel ignition; such inhomogeneous ignition is undesirable and can contaminate data sets aimed at providing high-quality information on ignition delay times.  As a second example of imaging in a shock tube, a new experiment will be introduced that measures the burning velocity of a flame produced by laser ignition of combustible gases behind a reflected shock wave.  The objective is to enable flame speed measurements at elevated temperatures not accessible with conventional flame speed techniques.  Such conventional methods are limited by the partial reaction of the mixture that occur during the lengthy period of preparing reactive mixtures, whereas with a shock tube experiment the time interval between shock wave heating and ignition can be adjusted to be quite small.  Results obtained in heptane-air flames provide clear evidence of cool flame effects not previously seen in flame speed experiments.  In current work, the observation of flame speed from the time-resolved position of chemiluminescent emission is also being augmented by various laser absorption diagnostics to additionally characterize the burned gases behind the flame.

Bio Sketch: Professor Hanson received his bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University in mechanical engineering and his doctoral degree from Stanford University where he currently holds the Woodard Chair in Mechanical Engineering.  He has been an international leader in the development of laser-based diagnostic methods for combustion and propulsion, and in the development of shock tube methods for accurate determination of chemical reaction rate parameters needed for modeling combustion and propulsion systems, and together with his students he has made several pioneering contributions that have advanced the pace of propulsion research and development worldwide.  He is a Fellow of AIAA, ASME and OSA, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and a recipient of gold medal awards from the Combustion Institute, the Institute for Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, and multiple gold medals from the AIAA. He has published over one thousand papers and advised over 100 doctoral students, including 31 now holding faculty appointments around the world.

Dr. Ruhong Zhou (IBM): Large Scale Molecular Simulation of Nanoparticle-Biomolecule Interactions

Abstract: ​Nanoscale particles have become promising materials in various biomedical applications, however, in order to stimulate and facilitate these applications, there is an urgent need for a better understanding of their biological effects and underlying physics. In this talk, I will discuss some of our recent works, mostly molecular modelling, at bio-nano interface and their underlying molecular mechanism. We show that carbon-based nanoparticles (carbon nanotubes, graphene nanosheets, and fullerenes) can interact and disrupt the structures and functions of many important proteins. The hydrophobic interactions between the carbon nanotubes and hydrophobic residues, particularly aromatic residues through the so-called π-π stacking interactions, are found to play key roles. Meanwhile, metallofullerenol Gd@C82(OH)22 is found to inhibit tumour growth and metastases with both experimental and theoretical approaches. Graphene and graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets show strong destructive interactions to ​E. coli cell membranes (antibacterial activity) with unique molecular mechanisms, while PEGylated GO nanosheets stimulate potent cytokine responses in peritoneal macrophages. On the other hand, GO nanosheets also show a strong supportive role in enzyme immobilisation such as lipases through lid opening. In particular, the lid opening is assisted by lipase’s sophisticated interaction with GO, which allows the adsorbed lipase to enhance its enzyme activity. The lipase enzymatic activity can be further optimized through fine tuning of the GO surface hydrophobicity. These findings might provide a better understanding the underlying physics at bio-nano interface, with implications in future ​de novo​ nanomedicine design.

Biographical Sketch: ​Ruhong Zhou, AAAS Fellow, APS Fellow, is currently a Distinguished Research Staff Member and Manager of Soft Matter Science, IBM Healthcare and Life Science Research, and an Adjunct Professor at Department of Chemistry, Columbia University. He received his Ph.D. with Prof. Bruce Berne in chemistry from Columbia University in 1997. He joined IBM Research in 2000, after spending two and a half years working with Prof. Richard Friesner (Columbia Univ) and Prof. William Jorgensen (Yale Univ) on polarizable force fields. He has authored and co-authored 240 journal publications (including 29 in Cell, Science, Nature, Nature subjournals and PNAS), and 26 patents, delivered 200+ invited talks at major conferences and universities worldwide, and chaired and co-chaired many conferences in computational biology, computational chemistry, and biophysics fields. He is part of the IBM Blue Gene team who won the 2009 National Medal on Technology and Innovation. He has won the IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA) in 2018, 2016, 2014, 2008 and 2005; IBM Outstanding Innovation Award in 2015 and 2012; Columbia University Hammett Award (for best graduates); and American Chemical Society DEC Award on Computational Chemistry. He is Editor-in-Chief of Current Physical Chemistry, Guest Editor of Nanoscale, Editor of (Nature) Scientific Reports, and Editorial Board Member of six other international journals. He also serves as Board of Directors, Telluride Science Research Center (TSRC), and Scientific Advisory Board, Center for Multiscale Theory and Simulation, University of Chicago. He was elected to AAAS Fellow (American Association of Advancement of Science) and APS Fellow (American Physical Society) in 2011, and IBM Distinguished Research Staff Member (DRSM) in 2014.

Integration of Materials Design, Additive Manufacturing and Machine Learning for Personalized Heart Surgery Planning and Optimization

Abstract: ​This seminar presents a research study for personalized heart surgery planning and optimization with integration of advanced materials design, multi-material 3D printing, and machine learning techniques. In this study, a meta-material design approach was first developed to create a mechanical structure that can mimic mechanical behavior of human aortic valves. The tissue-mimicking heart valves were then fabricated using a multi-material 3D printing process. The 3D printed heart valves can be used for pre-surgery planning of heart disease treatment and intervention. The patient-specific heart valves can serve as “virtual patients” which can be used to generate treatment or surgery data for various patients and conditions. In this research, these 3D printed heart valves were used to augment data from relatively small number of available real patients to create more accurate predictive model with machine learning. This model can be used by physicians and surgeons to make more informed decisions for personalized heart surgery planning and optimization. This methodology and its effectiveness were demonstrated through an application case of planning of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) surgery.

Biographical Sketch: ​Dr. Chuck Zhang is the Harold E. Smalley Professor at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology. His current research interests include additive manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, and advanced composites/nanocomposites manufacturing and maintenance. Dr. Zhang has managed or conducted numerous research projects sponsored by major federal agencies including National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Defense, and Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as industrial companies such as ATK, Cummins, Delta Air Lines and Lockheed Martin. He is a fellow of IISE. Dr. Zhang has published over 190 refereed journal articles and 220 conference papers. He also holds 24 U.S. patents.

A Tea Light Candle and the Global Waste Problem

Abstract: In 2012, the World Bank estimated that each person living on planet earth produces approximately 1.2 kg waste per day amounting to 1.2 billion tons per year. By 2025 this number is expected to reach a staggering 2.2 billion tons, which raises the fundamental question:

What is and what happens to waste?

Most of the world’s population lives in developing countries where waste collection services do not work or are non-existent, and domestic burning of waste is a frequent disposal technique. Further, in many developing countries, even when waste is moved to dump sites, it is not uncommon for the material to be burned by open, uncontrolled fires.

In short, fire is the primary mode of waste disposal.

Fire provides volume reduction and prevents disease, but inefficient combustion brings its own hazards in the form of toxic/noxious gasses. In this talk I will discuss the work we have been doing at WPI related to burning hazardous waste cleanly and efficiently. More importantly, I will discuss the inception of the project, which started by observing the burning of a tea light candle and extended to a multi million-dollar effort fueled by students like you!

Biographical Sketch: Ali S. Rangwala is a professor in the department of Fire Protection Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) (2006 – present). He has a BS in Electrical Engineering, from the Government College of Engineering, Pune, India (2000), an MS in Fire Protection Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park (2002), and a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of California, San Diego (2006). Professor Rangwala’s research interests are in the broad areas of environment, industrial fires, and explosion safety.

Credible Computational Solid Mechanics for Critical Decision Making in Engineering

Abstract: Advanced computational modeling, high performance computing technology, and extensive knowledge of simulation form a strong and unique foundation of research, development and engineering at Sandia National Laboratories that enable the Lab to meet its commitment of ensuring the national security of the United States.  Computational models are utilized extensively to predict the complex behavior of materials in multiphysics environments across a wide range of length and time scales, and analysts run simulations routinely to evaluate the performance and reliability of complicated engineering systems designed for national security applications.  In the past three decades, capabilities of simulation tools and models were advanced significantly, and numerous scientific questions and engineering challenges were resolved successfully with the help from computational simulations.  Examples include providing insight of non-linear material response in complex loading environments, examining the integrity of engineering structure when test data are insufficient, modeling microstructure and its linkage to material properties, and predicting aging and material property changes during service.  Although the progress of developing computational predictive capabilities has been highly encouraging so far, it is well recognized in the computational mechanics community that many issues in theories and numerical algorithms yet to be addressed.  While modeling and simulation are being used increasingly as the information-generating and decision-making tools in the cycle of engineering product from design to retirement, how to create and demonstrate credibility of computational analyses, especially for applications in the solid mechanics discipline, is becoming an inevitable challenge for model developers and computational analysts simply because neither codes nor models are perfect.

At this seminar, years of efforts at Sandia to advance the capability of computational solid mechanics modeling for national security and industry applications will be presented, highlighting their challenges and successes.  Lessons learned from bridging physics at different length scales and coupling different simulation codes will be shared.  Most importantly, strategies, including effective and ineffective ones, of developing and presenting model credibility will be discussed. 

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Eliot Fang is the Manager of the Solid Mechanics Department at Sandia National Laboratories. He received his B.S. degree from the National Central University in Taiwan and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Santa Barbara, all in mechanical engineering. Dr. Fang’s research interest is to apply modeling approaches and high performance computing to elucidate mechanisms of material behaviors and to predict material behaviors at various length scales in different environments.  He has over 60 publications and 70 invited presentations reporting his technical accomplishments and contributions to materials modeling and mechanical simulations.  Dr. Fang is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a recipient of the 2006 Asian American Engineer of the Year Award.