Honors Requirements

Course Requirements

These requirements are set by the Director of UG Studies with approval from the other Honors advisors.

  1. 15 honors credits are required for honors in the major, 12 at 2000+ level and 3 at 1000+ level.
  2. All twelve 2000+ honors credits must be ME-coded courses, unless otherwise approved by the advisor
  3. The three 1000+ honors credits can be from any related discipline, for example, MATH, STAT, PHYS, CHEM, ENGR, etc.
  4. The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering does not have a specific “Honors Thesis Course” which is required by the Honors office. Students can use any school course that is related to their thesis topic to satisfy this requirement. The Honors Thesis Course does not have to have a W designation. Common choices include:
    1. ME 4973W (SD 2) if the thesis is related to the SD project
    2. ME 3279 or ME 3396 (Honors Research)
    3. If ME 3299 is converted for Honors credit, then it may be used as well

Engagement in the Major Requirement

The engagement in the major requirement can be satisfied by most activities that are not commonly completed by non-Honors students. Some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Performing an executive position in one of the Engineering-associated clubs. Executive positions include President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer. Engineering-associated clubs include, but are not limited to:
    • ASME
    • AIAA
    • FSAE
    • SWE
    • EWB
    • SHPE
    • NSBE
  • Submitting a research manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal (the paper need not have been reviewed or published before graduation)
  • Presenting a research project at a local, national, or international conference, including Frontiers in Undergraduate Research
  • Engaging with local K-12 student populations to promote UConn School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Tutoring with the Engineering Tutoring Center or TAing for an ME course

Notably, internships do NOT count for the Engagement in the Major requirement, unless there is a specific aspect of the internship which is unusual, for instance, presenting your work to executives.

Please check with your Honors advisor before you submit your plan of study for any questions about Engagement activities.