Program Requirements at a Glance

Master of Science – Plan A

This is a research-oriented, in-person Master’s program. Major requirements include:

  • 21 course credits, including ME 5507 (Engineering Analysis) + 9 Master’s graduate research credits
  • At least 18 of the total course credits must be in ME courses; remaining courses must be in Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Statistics (SEMS) with possible exception of up to 3 credits in non-SEMS course by graduate petition.
  • Two elective concentrations: Systems & Mechanics, and Thermal & Fluid Sciences (at least 12 of the total course credits must be in concentration).
  • Two semesters of Graduate Seminar attendance.
  • Writing and defense of a Master’s thesis to a 3-member Advisory Committee.

Master of Science – Plan B

This is a course-oriented, in-person Master’s program. Major requirements include:

  • 30 graduate course credits, including ME 5507 (Engineering Analysis)
  • At least 24 of the total course credits must be in ME courses; remaining courses must be in Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Statistics (SEMS) with possible exception of up to 3 credits in non-SEMS course by graduate petition.
  • Two elective concentrations: Systems & Mechanics, and Thermal & Fluid Sciences (at least 12 of the total course credits must be in concentration).
  • Two semesters of Graduate Seminar attendance.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) after MS

This is a research-oriented, in-person doctoral program with students that already hold a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or in a related degree. Major requirements include:

  • 15 graduate course credits, including ME 5507 (Engineering Analysis) + 15 doctoral graduate research credits
  • At least 9 of the total course credits must be in ME courses; remaining courses must be in Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Statistics (SEMS) with possible exception of up to 3 credits in non-SEMS course by graduate petition.
  • Two elective concentrations: Systems & Mechanics, and Thermal & Fluid Sciences (at least 12 of the total course credits must be in concentration).
  • Three semesters of Graduate Seminar attendance.
  • Pass General Examination (also known as Qualifying Examination) and Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (also known as Prospectus Examination) taken with 5-member Advisory Committee.
  • By time of Ph.D. defense, student must have submitted a minimum of two papers for publication in archival literature (i.e., journals) and have at least one paper published or accepted. (Note the student’s major advisor may have a more stringent requirement).
  • Write and publicly defend doctoral dissertation.

Ph.D. Program Checklist offers a guideline on the progression of steps to successfully complete your Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) after BS

This is a research-oriented, in-person doctoral program with students that only hold a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or in a related degree. Major requirements include:

  • 30 graduate course credits, including ME 5507 (Engineering Analysis) + 15 doctoral graduate research credits
  • At least 21 of the total course credits must be in ME courses; remaining courses must be in Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Statistics (SEMS) with possible exception of up to 6 credits in non-SEMS course by graduate petition.
  • Two elective concentrations: Systems & Mechanics, and Thermal & Fluid Sciences (at least 12 of the total course credits must be in concentration).
  • Four semesters of Graduate Seminar attendance.
  • Pass General Examination (also known as Qualifying Examination) and Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (also known as Prospectus Examination) taken with 5-member Advisory Committee.
  • By time of Ph.D. defense, student must have submitted a minimum of two papers for publication in archival literature (i.e., journals) and have at least one paper published or accepted. (Note the student’s major advisor may have a more stringent requirement).
  • Write and publicly defend doctoral dissertation.

The Ph.D. Program Checklist offers a guideline on the progression of steps to successfully complete your Ph.D.

Ph.D. students wishing to obtain an MS degree along the way can do so provided they separately satisfy the requirements of both the MS and Ph.D. degrees. For example, to obtain an MS degree – Plan A along the way, students must complete (among other requirements) nine credits of MS Master’s Thesis Research (GRAD5950) and write and defend an MS thesis. Note Doctoral Dissertation Research (GRAD6950) credits cannot be counted towards satisfaction of the nine-credit MS research credits.

Please note that these requirements correspond to the new mechanical engineering catalog that takes effect in the Fall of 2024. For a detailed description of the requirements for the previous catalog, please see the previous Mechanical Engineering Graduate Handbook.

Master of Engineering

Our school also several following M.Eng programs. Information about their plans of study and requirements can be found in the following links: